Kindergarten registration
Students who turn 4 years of age by June 30 each year are eligible to register for State Delivered Kindergarten (SDK) at our school.
Our SDK program runs as a part of a multi-age setting. A birth certificate must be sighted for all students on their admission. School enrolment forms also need to be complete prior to the child’s commencement.
State Delivered Kindergarten will be delivered as a part of the multi-age program on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays (note: Mondays will be in terms 2,3,4).
For further information regarding SDK please contact the school office on (07) 4625 7445 or email
Prep to Year 6 enrolment
Our school enrols students in Prep to Year 6.
To be eligible for Prep, children must be five years of age by 30 June in the year they intend to commence Prep. A birth certificate must be sighted for all students on their admission. School enrolment forms also need to be complete prior to the child’s commencement.
To find out if your child is eligible to commence Prep please visit the Prep Enrolments.
Other Year Levels
Transfer from another Queensland State School should be accompanied by a transfer form.
Children from interstate and overseas will be placed in an appropriate Year Level after discussion with the Principal.